Enacted Congressional Legislation Supporting Israel

Legislative Cooperation

    Working with the US Congress to support Israel.


    The Congressional Affairs Department works hand in hand with its partners in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate to accomplish mutually beneficial goals for Israel and the United States of America.  Representatives of the Congressional Affairs Department interact on the regular basis with the legislative branch to work toward implementing important accomplishments for the US-Israel relationship.
    One example of this mutually beneficial cooperation was the United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014.  This landmark agreement, which establishes deep ties between the two countries, reaffirms defense ties between the Pentagon and the IDF and establishes entities in which the US and Israel will conduct joint research on technology, energy, intelligence, informational security, and national security.  This legislation is the culmination of many years of bipartisan work, and sets the standard for bilateral cooperation moving forward.
    The Strategic Partnership Act ensures US-Israel cooperation on missile defense projects such as Iron Dome, which has saved countless lives of Israel civilians in the past several years.  The Strategic Partnership Act also establishes a joint United States-Israel Center in the United States with offshore energy development expertise to develop academic cooperation in energy innovation technology and engineering.
    All of these outcomes are good for the United States, good for Israel, and passed both chambers of Congress unanimously due to a legacy of cooperation between Israel and the US Congress, a legacy which the Congressional Affairs Department will seek to continue on these and all other issues moving forward, including the exciting new opportunities to work together in a constructive way on energy and technology research and exploration.